Saturday, August 21, 2010


Last night Tom and I went to see a free movie in CDA park. The Wizard of Oz. It was sooo fun. We brought our lawn chairs and watched the show with about 300 other people. I had never seen the show entirely before. I think I was always in the kitchen doing dishes or folding laundry before.
This morning we went to a baseball game in the park between the Mennonite Church and New Hope Church. Lots of fun and good sportsmanship. Then we went to the farmers market and I bought some bok choy.
Does the nose on the witch have any similarities with my nose??? Just wondering.
Love this pic of me and Parker.


tvmom said...

no way, your nose looks great!

Colleen Stutz said...

Cute picture! It was fun to talk to you yesterday. Thanks for being a wonderful friend!